Kevin Kiley is the incoming Republican representative to the House of Representatives in the 3rd Congressional District of California. He doesn’t represent the views of most Americans, or even most Republicans & surely won’t represent the views of those who disagree with him. Kiley is an extreme conservative and has shown support for Donald Trump’s Big Lie regarding the 2020 election.

Kevin Kiley does not reflect the values of mainstream America and won’t represent the interest of those of us who are not Trump Republicans. We need someone who will fight for us, not corporate interests or special interests. Kevin Kiley will not be that person.

Kevin Kiley is a self-serving politician who only looks out for himself

It’s no surprise that Kiley wasted half a billion taxpayer dollars while trying to recall popular California Governor Gavin Newsom. This waste of taxpayer funds was in furtherance of Kiley’s failed attempt to become governor. Republicans should try to have more popular policies rather than wasting taxpayer funds.

Kiley has made it clear that he is only interested in representing hard-core Trump Republicans. Kiley ran for multiple political offices and is always in campaign mode and never in serving mode. Clearly, this politician is self-serving and looking out solely for himself. From the evidence we’ve seen, Kiley isn’t interested in serving those who disagree with him. He is only interested in sowing division and towing the party line. Republicans have zero interest in presenting reasonable solutions to problems.

His record speaks for itself: wasted taxpayer funds, support of Trump’s Big Lie of the 2020 election. He has run for so many offices in his pursuit of high office that he has never accomplished anything because he is always in campaign mode.

All of this points to one conclusion — Kevin Kiley cares more about himself than the public he’s supposed to represent. We deserve better than politicians like Kevin Kiley who only look out for their own interests!

Kevin Kiley won’t represent the interests of all his constituents

Rather than supporting policies and programs that would benefit his constituents, he hates California and constantly complains about our beautiful state. Kiley was hand-chosen by GOP Party head Elise Stefanik. Ms. Stefanik began her career as a moderate Republican but quickly became a MAGA Republican when she had an opportunity to oust true patriot, Liz Cheney.

We have to believe that Ms. Stefanik chose Kiley because he would be exactly the kind of MAGA Republican she and Trump want him to me. MAGA Republicans don’t believe in science or our democracy. MAGA believes that unless their candidate won, the election must have been rigged. Under Kiley, this kind of thinking will be what we hear.

To keep this kind of individual in office is nothing less than a vote used to obstruct progress and delay meaningful solutions. If we are serious about doing what is best for our district, then we must work hard to elect someone who will support measures that will increase education services, lower healthcare costs, stimulate the economy and guarantee clean air should be our priority; unfortunately, this politician’s track-record won’t get us close to these goals. He simply does not represent the interests of all of his constituents.

He’s in the pocket of special interests and corporate donors

We must be wary of any politician who claims to serve their constituents, but is instead in the pocket of special interests and corporate donors. Not only does this type of leader protect the interests of wealthy and big businesses, rather than the needs of his or her constituents, but they are unlikely to do anything meaningful to help everyday people.

While children nationwide are being shot up in our schools, you could count on Kiley to bend the knee to the gun lobby. Elected Republicans are so out of touch with what everyday Americans want in gun reform. Why is someone’s right to have an AR15 more important than our right to have our children live into adulthood? Gun nuts love their guns more than they love our children.

Republicans as a party have made it clear that they serve corporate donors & wealthy people. This means they won’t work on issues such as raising wages or creating jobs; they won’t keep our schools safe from guns; and they won’t invest in green technology that protects the environment. In short, this type of politician isn’t out to serve you; they only benefit those at the top.

So if you want a leader who will actually work for your interests as well as those of the little guy, make sure you help make sure that Kevin Kiley is a one-term politician and we retire him in 2024. We deserve to have someone who isn’t backed by special interest and corporate donors.

We can elect a leader that truly cares about his or her constituents and will look out for everyone’s best interests.

He will vote against bills that will help his district

Our elected representatives have the chance to be the voice of the people, but Republicans, like Kiley, will simply obstruct. The GOP has become the party of “no”.

We can look to his coming tenure and predict he will obstruct progress in order to make a political statement. Or he will do so to please his donors and radicalized base. Kiley will be the person who votes against bills that would help our just because his party tells him to. Republicans are not at all interested in helping everyday Americans nor will they allow Democrats a win.

The Republican party thinks climate change is a hoax and don’t believe infrastructure should be adequately funded. So, as you sit in traffic on Highway 65, you will have Republican Kevin Kiley & Republicans to blame.

Republicans are banning books and access to a safe abortion. They do this as they attempt to rewrite history ban discussions about race or gender. They have no interest in providing affordable healthcare and have made it known they will eliminate social security and medicare.

But we don’t have to stand for this obstructionist behavior; we can demand accountability and transparency from our representatives. Our representatives need to know that their votes must always reflect the needs of their constituents. After all, isn’t this why they were elected in the first place? Let us never forget that it is the people who are the deciders in our democracy!

Kevin Kiley is more concerned with advancing his own career than helping the people he is elected to serve

Elected officials should be expected to prioritize serving their constituents over advancing their own careers. Unfortunately, some politicians are not held to this standard. Instead, they are more concerned about power and prestige. Kiley has ran for multiple offices in a short period of time. His sole intent of using each one as a stepping stone towards the next office in their sights.

This type of person is completely unconcerned with actually helping the people he was elected to serve; rather, they only care about promoting themselves and gaining as much power as possible. It becomes painfully obvious that these kinds of politicians are only interested in winning the next race – or else they wouldn’t be hungry for advancement, relentlessly moving up the ladder with no intention of staying put.

If those in power aren’t genuinely looking out for the best interests of their constituency instead of solely focused on glorifying their own name, then it’s high time people took notice and be prepared to oust him out of office as soon as practically possible. We must reject rampant career ambition by showing politicians we demand representatives who will serve with loyalty rather than selfish ambition.

Kevin Kiley is a self-serving politician who only looks out for himself. He will not represent the interests of all his constituents. Kevin Kiley is in the pocket of special interests and corporate donors just like the entire Republican Party. He will vote against bills that will help his constituents. Kevin Kiley is concerned with advancing his own career more so than helping the people he was elected to serve.

Kevin Kiley Won’t Represent the Rest of Us

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